2MANUALS.COM On-Line Store has compiled this info so that you may be better informed about our affiliate program.
If you have any questions please Contact Us for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join 2manuals.com affiliate program?
Any person. No limits.
How much can I earn?
It depends on Your site visitors traffic. More visitors - more sales. Usualy if Your site has about 1000-2000 visitors per day - You may hope for about 2-5 sales. So it will be about $6-$15 earnings per day.
How much do I earn per one sale?
You earn 30% per every sale. So if your total sales are $1000 per month - You earn $300.
How can I get my earnings?
We can pay by few payment systems. You can select You want. PayPal, Scrill, WebMoney, Western Union.
When I will be paid?
If Your comissions are already more then $10 - You can send us payment request and we'll make money transfer in 72 hours.
Where do I get the text links or banners links with my refferel ID?
As soon as You join affiliate program - You have to log in Your affiliate account and go to summary section and create the text or banner link for any service manual or reset key you need.
I have Question, but here is no Answer. How can I contact You directly?
Sure You can contact us directly. Please contact us here .
Is there an expiration date of my affiliate account?
No. There is NO expiration date for your affiliate account.