Stylus Photo 1290 Printer
Parts List

Stylus Photo 1290 Printer<br> Parts List
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We are in business since 2002 and do our best to give our customers perfect service!

Our customers reviews:

  dave hardik yogeshbhai 2006-12-03 22:49:16  
  Good heavens -- that\'s not just good service, it\'s frighteningly good! I hope you do get to sleep once in a while . . . . Many thanks, and take good care! Dave
  dave hardik yogeshbhai 2006-12-03 22:47:49  
  Just wanted to THANK YOU for letting me download that manual. I REALLY appreciate it. You know how kids are when they get on a computer they think they know everything and don\'t know anything. So Thanks Again AL HART
  First Name 2010-02-21 00:46:14  
  Thank you!
  Colin Jones 2016-12-06 20:42:07  
  Very many thanks for working with me on this order. My printer is reset and I appreciate your patience working with me.
  Yusuf ARSLANTURK 2006-12-25 11:34:00  
  its OK!!
  Bob Heinrichs 2011-02-01 06:09:58  
  Thank-you for helping with resetting waste ink counter. Great service Had printer running in 2 minutes. Thanks again for saving me money and time. Bob
  Jakov Frumin 2009-01-04 19:55:12  
  I purchased the R1400 service manual from 2manuals with no problems... Paid for download. $14.00 US
  amprenta clau 2016-12-22 13:14:48  
  Foarte multumit, am cumparat on-line in 22 decembrie 2016 - codul (Key) - a durat 5-10 minute (inregistrarea pe site si plata), am instalat softul lor in care am introdus codul primit prin e-mail - de la ei si in cateva secunde totul functioneaza ca nou. Imprimanta mea Epson R285 - resetata acum a 2-a oara. Prima data, de frica am apelat la o persoana, care tot aici a resetat-o. Recomand cu drag. Thank You, I recommended Very pleased, I bought online in the December 22, 2016 - code (Key) - lasted 5-10 minutes (registration and payment on site), I installed their software in which we introduced code received via e-mail - from her and within seconds everything works like new. My Epson R285 printer - now reset the 2nd time. First, the fear I turned to someone who here has reset it. I recommend
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