Stylus Photo 1200 Printer Service Program

Stylus Photo 1200 Printer Service Program
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You can run this program under Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 in compatibility mode. It is easy!

Lets get to know how to set it up.

To configure the compatibility mode for an application, just locate the installation directory and right click on the .exe file (program you want to run), selecting Properties from the menu.

Select the Compatibility tab:

Windows 7 compatibility mode

You can choose to run the program in Windows 95, Windows 98 compatibility mode.

FOR THIS PROGRAM please use the WINDOWS 98 compatibility mode!!!

Download the program and run in compatibility mode!

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We are in business since 2002 and do our best to give our customers perfect service!

  carmelo carmelo 2020-06-27 19:33:16  
  Thanks a lot all works. You saved my money. Didnt believe that it will be so easy to solve the problem. one more time thanks a lot
  wr re 2008-01-29 03:10:03  
  printer epson r230 series aku ingin sofware free dulu baru nati coba beli, ok!
  savalli Tiffany 2023-03-20 15:05:06  
  la clé a fonctionné 1 mois après 150 copies je ne sait de nouveau plus utiliser l'imprimante. J'essaye de contacter wic reset utility en vain... je ne recommande donc pas du tout l'application

You have used your key not correctly. Please try once more time.
  John Cleland 2012-06-25 21:40:49  
  I am extremly happy with the ease of use and the printer has apparently been rest Thank You
  Audrey Boilley 2017-02-09 15:06:53  
  Thanks for your help. My printer is working again.
  Vera Radivojevic 2014-05-02 22:33:21  
  Hi-If you knew how technically challenged I am you\'d get a good laugh but I print lots of stuff for family history and you have saved me and my printer twice now. Thanks for the help! It works like a charm even though I had no idea what I was doing.
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