Epson FirmWare UPDATE File is used to update the Epson Artisan 1430, Photo 1430W, Photo 1500W printers firmware after motherboard replacing or just firmware updating.
System Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP
Interface: USB
Here You can see the instruction for Firmware Update Procedure:

So, all what You need is:
- IPL USB Sender utility
- firmware FWC850TL1.dat file
Here You can buy FirmWare Update file for Epson Artisan 1430, Photo 1430W, Photo 1500W printers - FWC850TL1.dat (12.5 mB)
If You dont have IPL USB Sender - You can order it and get on-line here - IPL USB Sender
Please contact us if you have not received your order or have other questions.