How to Use EPSON LFP Remote Panel / Media Adjustment

Activate Custom Paper Dialog Box

Click the Activate Custom Paper button in the Media Adjustment dialog box to display the Activate Custom Paper dialog box.

Activate a custom paper setting saved to the printer.

  • If you change the custom paper setting, all users using the same printer will be affected. Notify all users of the same printer of any changes made.
  • To go to another dialog box, select the dialog box from the drop-down list box in the top right area.

Select the number and the name you have set to the printer from the Custom Name list. Respective parameters will be shown.

If you are not satisfied with the settings, click Edit to change them.

If you select STANDARD, default setting of your printer driver is applied and you cannot edit the setting.

If you are satisfied with the settings, click Activate. The parameters will be applied to all the print jobs.


