How to Use EPSON LFP Remote Panel / Media Adjustment

Paper Feed Adjustment Detail Dialog Box

Set the minimum and maximum values to determine the range by using the sliders or text boxes.

Between the minimum and maximum values, five values will be determined for the sample feeding value. These five values are displayed above the Sample Prints button.

To use a specific image as the sample print for choosing the most appropriate media, select User Defined Image, and then click the Browse button to find the image.

The available size for User Defined Image is within 4060 x 1190 pixels and the 24-bit BMP file format is used.

To use a standard image, make sure Standard Image is selected.

Click the Sample Prints button. The five samples for sample feeding value specified in step 1 will be printed.

Set the print settings before printing. See Page Setup for details.

Observe the samples and determine which image has the least amount of banding. A value is printed next to each image.

Repeat steps 1 through 4 until the banding are eliminated.

Write down the value you determined.

Click the Close button to close the Paper Feed Adjustment Detail dialog box, and then set the range you wrote down, by using the slider or enter a value in the text box in the Custom Paper Setup dialog box.


