Stylus Color 460 Printer
Service Manual

Stylus Color 460 Printer<br> Service Manual
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The Stylus Color 460 is refreshed version of the stylus Color 440 and the product specification is exactly the same only exept the following.
Model ID and BDC-ID
MDL: Stylus COLOR 460
Therefore the rest of contents of the service manual is the same as for Epson Stylus Color 440, 640, 740 service manual.

Table of Contents:


Adjustment Program
Entering the Adjustment program

Since the printer mechanism and the control circuitries are the same for both Stylus Color 440 and 460, all adjustments that required when the printer is disassembled or certain components is replaced after repair are remains the same. Refer to Stylus Color 440, 640, 740 service manual for the details.

The adjustment program for use with Stylus Color 460 can be found in -=2MANUALS=- Store.

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  siddayya siddu 2010-09-14 14:30:00  
  thank you for parts manual next time I will use your service, I will introduce more friends to explore your services. thanks a lot.
  Zoran Zdravkovic 2012-10-17 18:45:42  
  Ja sam prezadovoljan, kupoprodaja je uspesno zavrsena a stampac Epson Stylus Photo P50 je odmah po resetovanju proradio.Ovo prvi put radim ali svakom preporucujem saradnju sa ovom firmom, zaista su korektni.
  john nantau 2019-10-18 23:19:41  
  Brilliant reset code worked a treat on my old XP-950 after replacing the waste ink pads.
  Farhan Hossein 2018-03-04 06:43:56  
  Nevermind. Did more research and to resolve the error, aside the firmware downgrade, I removed the ink, unplugged the printer, turned the printer back on, and placed the Ink's in individually pressing done after each ink. Doing this I was able to get it back up and running again. Thanks!
  Ralf Untiet 2011-03-02 03:36:08  
  Hello - just great! Greetings from Germany - Es funktioniert auch mit dem Epson PX810FW perfekt - einfach hinten per USB anschließen und das kostenlose Programm laden. Wenn der Drucker gefunden wurde, den Reset Key online per PayPal kaufen. Habe sofot den Key per E-Mail bekommen. Jetzt noch 3 Klicks und der Drucker ist wieder wie neu.... Danke und Gruß
  yrosci yrosci 2013-03-03 20:26:02  
  se avete problemi con l'esaurimento dei tamponi e la vostra stampante vi dice che è arrivata al termine ,non disperatevi con questo programmino potete azzerare i contatori che registrano le vostre pulizie e quando siete arrivati al 100% la stampante non va più quindi scaricate il Wic Reset ,istallatelo e comprate la chiave che viene 9,9 dollari inseritela nel programmino e la vostra stampante ritorna come nuova.
  kennet bo 2009-01-25 21:14:51  
  realy worked. Thank you!
  feto fto 2006-08-18 03:42:37  
  i fixed it! thank you for good site!
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