This guide is divided into the following sections: • “Preface” Gives general information about this guide and about installing the RIP Station 5000. • Chapter 1, “Introduction” Provides general information about the RIP Station 5000. • Chapter 2, “Preparing for Installation” Describes unpacking and the steps you need to take before you install the unit. • Chapter 3, “Connecting the RIP Station 5000” Describes how to connect the RIP Station 5000 to the printer and the network and verify that the system is working correctly. This chapter also gives an overview of the Control Panel. • Chapter 4, “Service Procedures” Describes removal and replacement procedures for RIP Station 5000 components. • Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting Procedures” Identifies the source of common problems and suggests ways of correcting them. Chapter 1: Introduction Features How the RIP Station 5000 operates Print options Remote utility software User Software CD Fiery WebTools Chapter 2: Preparing for Installation The installation sequence Checking the customer site Setting customer expectations Unpacking the RIP Station 5000 RIP Station 5000 front and back panels Chapter 3: Connecting the RIP Station 5000 Preliminary checkout Connecting to the printer Printing the RIP Station 5000 Test Page Connecting to the network Connecting a PC-compatible to the parallel port Using the Control Panel Activity light Buttons Screens and icons Shutting down and restarting the RIP Station 5000 Chapter 4: Service Procedures Overview Accessing internal components Checking internal connections Restoring functionality after service Removing and replacing circuit boards User interface board Motherboard Fans Power switch Power supply Checking voltages Hard disk drive Front panel components System Software Kit Using the SCSI port 3 Using the parallel port Software not authorized screen 4 Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Procedures The troubleshooting process Where problems occur Before you go to the customer site Preliminary on-site checkout Checking the interface cables Checking the internal components Checking the RIP Station 5000 as a stand-alone unit Isolating the RIP Station 5000 Errors during the Start-up diagnostics General RIP Station 5000 system error conditions RIP Station 5000’s diagnostic sets Start-up diagnostics Viewing the diagnostic report Checking the entire RIP Station 5000 system Checking the printer interface Checking network connections Printing to the RIP Station 5000 FORMAT: High resolution PDF document! ZIP archive: 3 349 kB